Shame on me. I am a bad mother. I TOTALLY missed my poodleversary. I didn't even realize it, until a looky-loo in the gallery just asked how old Roxie is, and suddenly I thought, "CRAP!" Our 3-year poodleversary was on February 20th. Two whole days ago, and I blew it. It's like this every year with Frame of Reference -- over 15 years of having the business and we have never once remembered the anniversary of the day we opened the doors. That would be May 1st, FYI. Even though I am a bad mother, I would love to zip into Kalispell after work for two-day-late poodleversary Chinese food, but I've been carting around a laundry basket full of dirty clothes since yesterday morning and that is more pressing. Plus, I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel in my checkbook this week so buying Chinese food wouldn't be prudent. It may not stop me, but it wouldn't be prudent.
I can't believe I missed it.
You can admire this lovely little painting I named "Pond Grasses" while I lament my shortcomings:
I can't believe I missed it. What a dope.
Thaddeus sends you a belated "Happy Poodleversary" greeting.