So today is day six of my Whole30. Surprisingly, I find I have more energy all through the morning. This is something I did not experience last fall when I did 30 days of Paleo. I still think about the chocolate-covered pomegranates at Costco, but I haven't had any really wicked cravings. So, all is good on the food front. As far as exercise, I have only been on the treadmill once, but I am going again today. I have high hopes for myself! I am also thinking I will do some stuff at home, like a 5x5 shoulder press to overhead squat. And when that gets too easy, I will up the weight and make it a push press. This will be good, as long as Roxie stays out of the way. Thirdly, I painted something I love. Here it is:
Two more are in the works at home; I think one will have a lime green canvas and the other will be yellow. Plus, I need to get crackin' on the pieces for the miniature show - it is next Friday. So all in all, I have maintained at an acceptably high level the Big Three - diet, exercise, and art - for the first five days of the month of March. This is a first for me. We are breaking new ground here, people. Woo hoo!
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