Just a quick note while I am here at work for a minute and have access to a computer. Since this gift has arrived at its final destination, now I can post a picture. I sent this to my Uncle Tato as a thank you for being my first Etsy customer. It took three tries to get something I liked (hence the delay in shipping - sorry, Tato), but I think the end result was pretty good.
Roxie and I are going back home in a minute to sit around and read some more. Today was supposed to be the third day of my three-day weekend, so of course here I am at work, right? Oh well. I have another three-dayer coming up next weekend. My big task for this afternoon, besides laundry and making a giant vat of creamy broccoli soup, is figuring out how to use the Kindle my family sent me for Christmas! I need to go sit in the car outside the library to snag their wifi, and download something. Otherwise, I will be reading the dictionary that came pre-loaded. Roxie isn't so much into the whole sitting around and doing nothing routine, but she has been a good sport about it. I thought for sure she was going to be sick on Sunday -- Christmas Eve a plate of cheese and crackers was left unattended on a side table that is poodle-height, and suddenly the cheese was gone. Hmmm. I told her we don't like cheese, but I guess she didn't believe me. Anyway, no ill effects, thank goodness. Cheese. Yuck.
Christine, THANK YOU for the Christmas surprise.