So this morning I get to work and first thing I do is dump half my smoothie all over my desk. Grr. My stapler is in the trash now (the only working stapler I had), and I missed the mouse by [this] much. After the blender incident the other day I am wondering if someone is sending me a message: STAY AWAY FROM THE SMOOTHIES!
It occurred to me last night that since I paint and cook in essentially the same space, sometimes at the same time, I may inadvertently be creating scratch-and-sniff art. If so, this hot mess is taco salad:
This one isn't actually a keeper; it really is a hot mess. Started out as something else entirely, then became something quite cool, then it wasn't as cool when it dried, then I added something that totally wrecked it and when I wiped it off it left a blueish sheen. All of which, of course, you can see in this lousy photograph, right? But I bet it smells like taco salad.
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