We interrupt this house reno to bring you an exciting development. After my last post, I got this photo from my mom:
HAHAHA! I didn't dream it! And there's the sword. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
But here's the thing. The crew came back on Thursday, January 7th and I don't really know what they did. The day before was super crazy. Roxie had dental surgery at a pet dentist almost two hours away. We left home in the morning, picked up my mom on the way, and got to the appointment REALLY early (thanks, Mapquest). We can skip all the details but it was a very long day. Roxie was under anesthesia for over six hours, she had several teeth pulled, we spent a crap ton of time in the parking lot listening to live coverage of the Capitol siege on NPR, and I can't even remember what time we got home - after 8pm? We were gone for over twelve hours. Poor StanLee spent the whole day crossing his legs and bless his little heart, he didn't have any accidents. The three of us slept on the couch, mostly because we were too tired to walk up the stairs. I stayed home the next day to keep an eye on Roxie, and I only took a few pictures late afternoon when everyone had left.

Not sure what happened out there, but it was something to do with rafter tails, or the soffit ladder, or the gable ladder - something like that. And the scaffolding moved around. The third picture is looking up the stairwell.
I stayed home the next day as well. Roxie's med schedule is every twelve hours (8am and 8pm) instead of every four - six hours like before so that's easy enough to manage, but I didn't want to leave her alone. We watched more mysterious work being done thru the windows.
The roofers are coming back on Monday so "things" needed to be ready. I don't know what those "things" were. Saturday was a beautiful day, tho, so I took a bunch of pictures. Some of these may look exactly like the ones I took end of December, but the sunlight and shadows were too good to pass up. First, here's the garage and the foyer.
Now here's my paint office. We will circumnavigate the room counter-clockwise starting with the window that looks east, toward the backyard.
Here's the entrance to the hallway, looking first toward the bedroom and then toward the library end of the hallway.
I love those square windows. Turning around, here's the view from this corner looking left, right, then straight back to my paint office.
Here's from the southeast corner of my bedroom.
This is from the northeast corner of the bathroom, future location of my clawfoot tub.
And finally, here's what it looks like out the bathroom window. It's the other bathroom window. I will be able to put a string between them with a can on each end so we can talk from can to can, while on the can.
Also from the bathroom window, this is the only photo I adjusted - I lightened the shadows to better show what is in the guest room. It's our most popular viewing platform.
This space is going to change dramatically (again) next week when there's a roof. Does that mean no more shoveling snow out of the second story? It's January in Vermont, so probably not.