The first flower of my permanent outdoor garden. And here's the latest installment of my indoor garden, this one painted on a cradled birch wood panel:
The angle is funny on that top picture - I've got several wet paintings on my table and I was trying to take this picture without dragging my camera strap through something else. One of the other wet things is, of course, a flower:
Dang, those are fun. Remember when all I painted was roosters? I'm turning into a one trick pony again, but I don't mind because it's a pretty cool trick. The other is a salvaged wreck of a canvas:
Wet paint, ergo no varnish yet. But yes, the interference blue paint does make it shiny and sparkly like that if you see it from the right angle. I will post better pictures later.
I promised myself I would finish another wreath before the end of the month, and I've only got one more day. I was totally stuck with the silver and green one, so put it aside and started something new. Hopefully this one will be easier. I feel like I've got writer's block except, you know, it would be wreather's block. If my wreath-making career is over already I will laugh until I cry. There are a CRAP ton of ornaments left.
Speaking of crying, Leonard Nimoy died today. He was an actor, a director, a poet, a photographer and - the The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins notwithstanding - a singer. Ironic that such a right-brained man will be remembered for his portrayal of the most left-brained character ever. RIP Mr. Spock. Prosper on a new plane.