Monday, November 23, 2015

Warm guts, cold toes

My neighbor owns a share in a hunting camp that has been in his family for an age and a half. Tradition has it that on the Friday before hunting season starts, everyone meets at the covered bridge on the road up towards camp and they pass around a bottle of brandy.  In years past it has been apricot brandy; this year it was wild cherry.  Well the other night my neighbor stopped by for a visit and he brought that bottle of brandy.  I'm now one degree of separation from being a full fledged member of the hunting camp.

And today, since I've never had apricot brandy, I went and bought a wee bottle.  On a 32 degree day, that stuff warms up the insides even when the outsides are a bit chilly.

So.  Have any of you been sitting around for over a week, bowl of popcorn in hand, waiting for the massive photo explosion I promised?  I hope not but just in case, here is part two of the Catching Up Chronicles - foliage in Vermont.  All the first pictures were taken on my road as I was driving to Hinesburg back in October:

While in Hinesburg we hiked up to the ledge by Kathy's house:

That would be Evan making his Evan face.

Even the tripod went with.

"Ze plane!  Ze plane!"

(I heard a rumor there is a remake in the works.)

Aaaaaaaand now, the obligatory Christine pictures:

That last one is a tree at the bottom of Kathy's driveway.  Sometimes nature is as twisted as we are.

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